Altar Server Update and Safeguarding Form
Personal Details
Contact Information
Disability Disclosure
Identification Verification
Details for Cassock and Cotta
Please provide the name of two references.
If you have answered 'Yes' to the DBS Certificate question, provided your DBS Certificate Number, your DBS Certificate is for an Enhanced Check, and it is less than three (3) years old, then you are not required to provide any additional information.
If your DBS Certificate is more that three (3) years old, then your DBS Certificate is technically 'out of date'. You are required to continue with the process to obtain a new DBS Certificate.
Upload Documents
Please name your file:
e.g. Bloggs-Passport.jpg
Driving Licence
Please name your file:
e.g. Bloggs-Licence.jpg
Please name your file:
e.g. Bloggs-Statement.jpg
The statement or utility bill should show your
name and current address with financial details redacted.
Please note that original documents will be required for inspection, to comply with the identification verification process.
Once satisfactory references have been taken up, we will contact you by email to complete the process. You will need to submit the completed DBS forms.
The DBS forms and guidance can be found at
Altar Server Safeguarding Information. Please read the guidance before completing the DBS forms.
Please contact your Parish Safeguarding Representative (Robert Simpson) for more information or assistance:
Submit Reset
Our Lady Help of Christians Website
Diocese of Northamption Data Policies