Expression of Interest Form
If you would like to know more about the OCIA, then please complete the Expression of Interest Form (below).
We will then register you for an OCIA intake, to start your journey.
Personal Details
Your photograph should be a clear recent colour photograph, that meets
UK Passport Quality Standards.
The standard size used in photo booths in the UK are acceptable (if you are outside the UK not all
photo booths use this standard size), and your photograph should not be trimmed or cut down from a larger photograph to the size of a standard passport photograph.
Please name your file:
'[Surname-First Name]-Photo'
e.g. Bloggs-Joe-Photo.jpg
Identity Verification
Ensures the person inquiring is who they claim to be, reducing the risk of impersonation.
Eligibility Confirmation
Helps verify specific eligibility criteria, such as age, sex, or residency, as photo IDs often include this information.
Consistency Across Processes
Standardises application procedures, ensuring fairness and uniformity across applicants.
Diversity and Inclusion
Contact Details
Religious Profile
If you have answered 'Yes' to being Baptised and/or Confirmed then please upload a copy of your certificate(s). If you do not have copies of your certificates then please contact us to discuss the options for you to start your journey.
Church Attendance and Sacraments
Please Note:
If you are Baptised and Confirmed as Roman Catholic then you can continue with the Relationships section.
If you have not been Baptised or have been Baptised but not Confirmed then please continue with the Sponsorship section (below).
To understand more about the role and responsibilities of a Sponsor please see our
Sponsorship information.
Confirmation Saint
Please set out in a short paragraph (up to 200 words) the reasons why you chose your Confirmation Saint.
Please set out in a short paragraph (up to 200 words) the reasons why you want to join the OCIA.
Submit Reset
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Diocese of Northamption Data Policies